

Examination with adrenal scintigraphy?

You want to be examined by means of adrenal scintigraphy? Learn more about adrenal scintigraphy, when it is used, and what the healing process is like.

Use of adrenal scintigraphy

The adrenal glands each sit at the upper pole of the right and left kidney and consist of two different parts, the adrenal medulla and the adrenal cortex. The adrenal medulla produces the stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, the adrenal cortex the so-called corticosteroids (eg cortisone), which are also responsible for the metabolism as well as the water and the salt balance. If the doctor determines on the basis of physical signs or a laboratory examination that an over-function In the adrenal gland, adrenal scintigraphy may be helpful in locating the site of increased hormone production. Such hormone-active foci not only occur in the adrenal glands themselves, but can also result from settling in the abdomen and chest.

Course of adrenal scintigraphy

In adrenal medullary scintigraphy, a low-level radioactive amount of iodine-123-labeled MIBG is administered intravenously and, as a rule, a scintigraphy is performed after 4 and 24 h. It is searched for places that are more intense with increasing duration. It may be necessary to take another shot after 48 hours.

We estimated the treatment as follows:

duration of treatment
radiation exposure

Preparation and further questions on adrenal scintigraphy

In preparation, certain medications may not be taken for a certain period of time so as not to falsify the examination result. You are welcome to have breakfast for the examination. Do you have any further questions regarding the treatment, the procedure or the costs? Call us directly:
0421 84131313

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