

Examination by an inflammatory scintigraphy

You want to be examined by means of inflammatory scintigraphy? Learn more about inflammatory scintigraphy, when it's being used, and what the healing process is like.

Use of inflammatory scintigraphy

In the inflammatory scintigraphy, a focus of inflammation is sought in the body. This may be the case in a fever or fever episode, but the cause has not been found. In addition, inflammatory changes after surgery (eg introduction of foreign bodies in artificial hip or knee joints) can be detected or excluded. The result of the examination facilitates the decision on the further therapeutic procedure (eg taking antibiotics or surgical indication).

Sequence of inflammatory scintigraphy

Since different radioactive drugs are used to search for inflammation for the various issues and different sections of the body, only general information can be given here: Usually, a small amount of a radioactive drug is injected into a vein, which then seeks the path to the focus of inflammation , It can use a protein that attaches to white blood cells, but it can also be the body's cells are marked. After about 4 and 24 h, shots of the entire body or individual sections of the body are made in order to detect slowly increasing accumulation in the suspected focal point of inflammation.

Treatment time of inflammatory scintigraphy

The recordings usually take 30 minutes. If necessary, additional 3D images of certain sections of the body may be required, which also take around 30 minutes.

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