

Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in neuroendocrine tumors (tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and the pancreas)


If you have a neuroendocrine tumor found, then this scintigraphy is regularly used in post-operative care to ensure that any suspicious tissue has been removed. Also in the further aftercare, this investigation plays a major role. Rarely, it is used as a primary diagnosis before the start of therapy, here the PET / CT with somatostatin receptor ligands plays an important role.

Notes on somatostatin receptor scintigraphy

It is recommended that you appear sober for this exam. Also, you should plan on the first day up to 6 h for the individual shots. Frequently, additional shots are required the next and the following day.

MIBG Szintigraphie

This is used to visualize sympathetic nervous tissue, making it well-suited for the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, neuroblastomas, paragangliomas or carcinoids (in addition to somatostatin receptor scintigraphy).

Notes on perfusion scintigraphy

Usually, you do not have to be sober for this exam. However, this investigation is associated with a relatively high amount of time, since the tissue to be examined has a very sluggish metabolism. Please plan on the first day up to 7 h, in any case, a further recording is necessary the next and possibly also the following day.

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